As blogs of later dates have mentioned, I have been taking fine art classes at our local community college for the last year. My professors have been outstanding and encouraging. The work I love doing incorporates digital imaging of photographs or original art work, transferring of the images, then adding color and texture with free motion stitching.
last night's CSN Juried Student Exhibit Opening, I with family and
friends in tow viewed a gallery filled with talent. Out of 200 entries
my four pieces were accepted into the gallery. Display in the gallery
is an honor. But the most gratifying aspect of the evening was seeing
public reactions to the pieces. What joy to share what I love doing and to have it so well accepted.
I was awarded Best of Show for the stitched piece "Moon Over Bourbon Street." In this process I was humbled and blessed with such an unexpected honor. I am on cloud nine. This award not only validates my work, more importantly it validates fiber arts and digital imaging as recognized and legitimate studio arts. The award came with a $500.00 certificate from Blick Art Supplies, icing on the cake!
Department of Fine Arts 2013 Juried Student Exhibition is eye candy for
the arts. A combination of media from ceramics to metal work is on
display. The variety and execution of work displayed are exceptional.
So, if you get a chance please go and see the show. I think you'll
enjoy it. It is free and open to the public. The Juried Student
Exhibition runs from December 13th through January 24th at the Cheyenne
Campus in the Performing Arts building. Gallery hours are: Monday
through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00
1000 Thanks to all, our community of artists!
3 for the Show ~ Bottom Right: Moon Over Bourbon Street |
Illuminated Poppy 2013 |