Well it has been a whirl wind week so far. Lots of planning for the annual DQN show is coming to fruition. Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday are show photography, judging and hanging. This is my time of year to volunteer with the guild. In good company, the comradery found leading up to the show is contagious. The show opens on Thursday evening and runs through Saturday.
My entry for this year's show is called Sargasso Sea, a two piece non-representational art quilt. Hand dyed cotton, silk and linen were used as the fiber pieced base which was painted then hand stitched. A false back of silk organza allows the stitching on the backside to be seen. The separate pieces are related through connecting linear designs and shape repetition. Here is a peak at some of the details of the quilt. The next blog post will share a full picture of the quilt and the results of the judging.
Sargasso Sea - Detail |
Sargasso Sea - Detail backside |
Sargasso Sea is a region of the North
Atlantic Ocean bounded by four currents, that together form a circulating ocean stream called a
[1]:90 It is the only such oceanic region on Earth to which the term
sea has been extended, all others being bound entirely or mostly by land.
[2][3][4] A distinctive body of water often found with its characteristic
brown Sargassum seaweed and often calm blue water, it is very different from the rest of the Atlantic Ocean." ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sargasso_Sea.
Sagasso Sea - Detail |
Sargasso Sea - Hand stitched detail |