This piece has been in process for a long while ... over a year now. It is time to bring it out in the light and post it. Wool felt was used to eco print. Guava, oak, eucalyptus, and creosote leaves form the prints on fiber. The reds are from the dollar eucalyptus leaves. The green is from the creosote leaves. And the purplish gray tones are from the oaks leaves. The bundle was steamed for a 1.5 hour. When rolling the bundle freezer paper was place on the wrong side of the print and rolled with the wool. The barrier kept leaf prints from bleeding into each other.
Eco One -Side One |
Eco One - Side Two |
Silk was used for rust imprints and eco prints. These bundles were tied and immersed in a bath containing onion skins. Some of the rusted elements were sew onto the silk prior to immersion into the boiling water. A turkey roster was used for steaming and boiling.
The piece called Eco One is two sided. The first side is strictly eco printed with some hand stitching. If you look closely you can see the lines resulting from the string used to tie the wrap of the bundle. This shows best in the detail pictures. The second side is created with dyed and rusted panels of silk. Hope you enjoy the images.
The panel measures 16 wide by 49 long inches.
The details show a closer look at the rusted and the eco print results.
Detail - Rusted, Eco Printed |
Detail - Eco print and stitch |
Detail - Eco print back ground, attached rusted metal |
Detail - Eco Print on Wool |